Spiel Essen 2019 – Smart Games

Without a doubt, when we are at a con or a fair, we often look for children games. Not necessary to take a present with us for our children, but just to check. One of our favorite publishers in this category is for certain Smart Games, with a few other necessary stops for kids’ games, is this a go-to place for parents and let me explain why.

We like Smart Games, because they produce challenging games for children. Challenging in a way they put our little ones to think to finish the game. Smart Games are puzzle and dexterity games that can be played mostly solo, and that is a plus as we don’t have to participate in the game. We help with the setup or when they get stuck and in no time, they are figuring out the higher levels. And then they are damn proud of it because they did it themselves.

The funny thing is our oldest one learned a song at day-care and it goes like this, Good morning, good morning, we come to play and to learn (in Dutch of course, my son doesn’t speak English yet). And that is exactly how I feel about Smart games, they are playing and having a good time, and learning along the way. In my opinion there is no better way to learn and I hope our boys will enjoy the games of Smart Games, to keep playing and learning for a very long time.

Not of course, but we did bring a game home for our kids. Which they will get as a present during the holidays. So, I cannot tell which one it is, but I already looking forward to add it to our collection of Smart Games and to play it together.

Smart Games website