Spiel Essen 2019 – Quined Games

This year is my personal most anticipated game of Spiel Essen 2019 coming from Quined Games. It was a game I was already able to try out at earlier stages and I knew this was going to be an awesome game for us. Now seeing it in its final form at the showcase, I knew this one was going to have a new home. The board game I am talking about is: Terramara.

Terramara is a game co-designed by Flaminia Brasini and Virginio Gigli. Who just happen to be the designers of my last year’s favorite; Coimbra. But let’s stick to Terramara, you play as a Chieftain of a clan living in the Bronze Age Northern Italy. Your goal is to become the best clan in the area by exploring the lands, improve your battle skills and gather useful artifacts. The board is modular and flips during the rounds. As a good Euro game, there are multiple ways to score points and they work good together and with the theme.

Unfortunate for everybody’s Spiel budget, Terramara was not the only new release Quined Games was bringing with them to Essen. Quined Games kicked off earlier this year with La Stanza and super fresh for Spiel, Chicago 1875: City of the Big Shoulders. Both destined for the more heavy board gamers and where I was with La Stanza able to try it before Spiel, I still haven’t tried Chicago 1875 yet.

What is even more interesting for me was their new Masterprint Mini’s line with Strawlopolis, Circle the Wagon and Stew. All three are pocket size games, easy to take with you and playable within half an hour. Perfect to take along when travelling, which I like and still with enough depth.

Soon more about the Quined Games games, because you can expect a full review about Terramara in the near future and we are going to do something new and different with the Masterprint Mini releases, just keep an eye on the site. If you want to try the games for yourself, check them on Spellenspektakel.

Quined Games website