Spiel Essen 2019 – Gamelyn Games

One publisher I am liking more and more with every game they bring on the market is Gamelyn Games, because they publish full action games in a tiny package, which is pretty awesome when you travel a lot. And a pretty awesome big ass box game Heroes of Land, Air and Sea on the side. Back to the Tiny line they actually brought three new games to Spiel.

These three new games are all in a different stage of finalization. Tiny Epic Mechs for example was ready for sale, while Tiny Epic Tactics was still underway on the boat to their fulfillment centers. Lucky for me they brought a preproduction copy with them for visitors to drool on. Completely new in this game is the terrain expansion and the usage of the box itself as a terrain area. As we are used to of a tiny game, Tactics offers competitive play, cooperative play and solo play.

Yes ladies and gentleman, you are counting it right! That were just two of the three promised games I want to talk about, because the good people at Gamelyn Games came down to Spiel with Tiny Epic Dinosaurs. Launched as a surprise on Kickstarter ten day before Spiel to take your well saved Spiel pocket money before it even started. Fortunate for everybody these Tiny Epic games are always nicely priced. Unfortunate for me and my camera we had to do it on Spiel with only a box cover photo as the components taken along were not photo ready.

I am looking forward to receive my copy of Tiny Epic Tactics and bring it along on my voyages. Tiny Epic Dinosaurs is something I have to wait a bit longer for, still in my opinion it is worth the wait. With all these awesome new Epic titles, it will be hard for Gamelyn Games to come up with something even more awesome, but hey, its Gamelyn Games, they most probable will do!

Gamelyn Games website