Spiel Essen 2019 – Gam’inBIZ

Always on the lookout for some nice Dutch work, I encountered on a small game about a great train. This game was called Rollecate and is published by Gam’inBIZ from Nijmegen. Time for me to crawl into the dungeons and miniatures hall of Spiel, Hall six, the end of the line.

At the shared booth with some other publisher, which I accidently knew. I met Michiel the designer of Rollecate, founder of Gam’inBIZ and there is where he showed his little game. The locomotive used in the game is an exact copy of a real build Dutch steam locomotive, which is a nice detail. The game itself is easy to learn and you can play it direct.

Players need to draw track cards and add them to the end of the line. When you add a track, you need to roll some dice to determine how many steps the Rollecate travels. There are a few more cards and even a small expansion to add some fun to the game. Like Broken Rails, but I don’t know what it does as we didn’t play with it yet.

For me it was an instant buy, because I knew our three-year-old is going to love the little train and drawing rails, with some adjusted rules of course. It was also the first game I played after Spiel, mostly because I wanted to play a game with my son and I didn’t want another HABA game, but that are other details.

I know I like it both ways. With our self-made adjusted rules, which me and my three-year-old are still optimizing, but certainly also the full game which have enough in it and variety to become a nice filler game as it only takes up to fifteen minutes. Last but not least, being a Dutch publisher, also Michiel is travelling to Utrecht this weekend to Spellenspektakel.

Gam’inBIZ website