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Spiel.Digital – Alley Cat Games

As I mentioned, on Sunday we got the boys back from the sleepover at their grandparents. So we started with more for them interesting games from Helvetiq and Haba. After that it was time for daddy again to play. Searching down what to play, we found a theme park themed game at Alley Cat Games called Dice Theme Park and our oldest agreed that would be interesting to try out.

Dice Theme Park is a more challenging and slightly more complex stand-alone board game in line with as you may have guest it; Dice Hospital. Only this time you will be running a theme park and you will be luring customers to come to your park to visit as much rides as possible. Players do this with dice manipulation and “walking around” on the hexagon tiles with the dice.

We had for sure a really nice and clear explanation of the game and Alley Cat Games had a very friendly discord channel as well, with hosts contacting demo-ers when someone want to try out an game, it was a very nice environment for a game and a chat!

When you have become as interested in Dice Theme Park as we are, you better check out the kickstarter they will be running early next year. Another upcoming game from Alley Cat Games is Eternal Palace, which I didn't had the fortune with to try out, because we went outside, but for sure enough to look forward to in 2021 coming from Alley Cat Games

Alley Cat Games website