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Spiel.Digital – XOllOX

Spiel Saturday is always the busiest of all the “Spiel Tage”, with the whole of humanity having their days off in the weekend. I usually stay away from the major Halls and try to avoid the big crowds . Often I set appointments with who ever I found it necessary to make appointments with. On the Spiel.Digital Saturday morning it was no difference and I went to indie publisher XOllOX Games to try out their game The Fog – Escape from Paradise.

I did not know anything about The Fog – Escape from Paradise until a few days before Spiel.Digital. I received a mail from Robert at XOllOX Games, if I was interested in trying out their game? Always on the lookout for awesome board games coming from indie publishers, I went out fresh and fruity to the XOllOX Games booth into the Saturday morning Fog. Actually there wasn't any fog and I didn't had to go outside anyway. Robert has set up a game for us to try on Tabletopia and of we go. After a nice chat where we are coming from and how we were enjoying our Spiel.Digital, it was time for the explanation.

In The Fog – Escape from Paradise you have to get your tribe members from their paradise onto some boats in the harbor to escape from a devastating and uprising fog in where every body who left behind mysteriously disappears. Your tribe members are scattered on the board and during your turn you are allowed to move them around, but every move will cost you action points so you have to move wisely. After each round, the fog rises from the woods and just when you think you got everything going very well the fog rises even quicker in the last rounds.

The start with the inevitable, sorry Robert, The Fog - Escape from Paradise is really, really, really ugly. Which brings me actually to a very good point, the game plays rather good and I enjoyed our game very much. There are quite some different moves to remember, and when we got closer to the end the game got very tense to get my tribe members to the boats. A few good men got lost in the fog unfortunate.

Robert ensured us that they are already working on some great artwork for the game and he just wanted to have the basic of the game working well, before adding art. I think he did well. Moving your tribe members around is a great puzzle and I am looking forward to what this may become with beautiful art and an awesome background story. XOllOX Games is aiming to hit Kickstarter next year and we wish them all the best with their upcoming campaign!

XOllOX website