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Spiel.Digital – Pandasaurus Games

Before we call it a night we also stopped at Pandasaurus Games to try out their games. When you encountered Pandasaurus Games at the physical Spiel before, you know they have a small booth, with limited tables and it is always busy. Well that didn't changed for Spiel.Digital as it was very busy on their Discord channel, but they had a host to explain everyone how everything works and to guide you to a virtual table when a demo was starting.

The game I squeaked in to play, is a game called Gods love Dinosaurs and was playable on Tabletop Simulator. There is quite a hype around this game and I understand that, because it got Dinosaur meeples, do I actually need to say more? Well okay, its a tile-laying and worker-placement strategy game about food chain hierarchy. With dinosaur meeples! And rabbits and frogs also, by the way.

Although I had a good time playing the game, it didn't necessarily triggered my happy board games bone. Which I found rather unusual, because like there are dinosaurs in the game and the mechanisms I like to see in a game. I will put it on the slower learning curve (and getting used to Tabletop Simulator) from the others who joined the table, not blaming but it made it a longer game as it should have been (I guess) and I may be gotten tired as well after a long day of Spiel. For sure I will give Gods Love Dinosaurs another go, whenever it will reach our local game store and we are able to visit it for game nights again.

Gods Love Dinosaurs was the only playable Pandasaurus game at Spiel.Digital. I would of loved trying their other new games Dinosaur World or Dinosaur Island Rawr 'n Write or even Tammany Hall, but I think everybody do understand that creating board games on the digital platforms is just as time consuming as developing them and with all those projects Pandasaurus Games have already running, I am happy they took the effort in translating Gods Love Dinosaurs to a digital platform for us to try at Spiel.Digital.

Pandasaurus Games website