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Spiel.Digital – Inside Up Game

After the Friday evening sunset, it was getting darker so we played a game of Bonfire, but I already told earlier about that. So lets get straight to our little get together with Conor from Inside Up Games to try out the finished games of my most favorite demos of last years Spiel. Hugs where not included this year...

Nevertheless, My wife and myself sat down for a game of The Quick and the Undead explained by the big hugging Canadian himself: Conor McGoey. In this game you and your fellow outlaws are trying to get back control of a small town in the Wild West, as it is overrun by zombies. We had a very bloody game filled with zombies, because I died a lot. But I shot a lot at Conor and that is what is all about, creating great memories and bullet wounds.

Inside Up's other very fresh demo of last years Spiel was 7 Souls, I think it was even my very last game at the fair. I already had a refreshing game of 7 Souls with the members of the Inside Up Games team HootMcToot and Pixy (Leen) in the Friday Morning, so I could beat Conor his ass later with his own game. Unfortunate, when we played this game on the Saturday evening Conor assist on that my wife joined the Tabletopia table.

Did I only play old games then, were there no new games from Inside Up Games? Uhm, Yes and No. New upcoming are City Builders: Ancient World, which had a succesfull Kickstarter earlier this year. And Sea Change; a more family friendly reimplementation of Gorus Maximus. The game where my bromance started with Conor.

When backing games on Kickstarter from Inside Up Game it is always fun to read their updates as Conor often share family matters and photos. Speaking of Kickstarter: Inside Up Games has a new game in the pipeline called Block and Keys, whereabout we will get more information in the coming weeks, for that and some upcoming Inside Up Games reviews, stay tuned.

Inside Up Gaming website